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Health & Wellness

1-844-435-7498 helpline that provides assistance for persons struggling with an addiction or mental health issue. Includes a comprehensive list of state resources.

CAMC Health Information Center

Medicaid Work Incentive Network

M-WIN is a work incentive for people with disabilities or chronic health conditions that allows individuals who work, to pay a monthly premium and keep or obtain Medicaid healthcare coverage.

Try This WV
Website on building healthier communities with hundreds of doable, practical ideas and great West Virginia examples.

Transition Quick Guide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals

West Virginians for Affordable Health Care
Charleston, WV

WVAHC promotes quality, affordable health care and assists consumers in navigating the health care system.

WV Association of Free Clinics
Charleston, WV

The WVAFC is a network of free clinics providing quality health care services for those who cannot afford health insurance.

WV Center for Local Health
Charleston, WV

Directory of Local Health Departments

WV NaviCare

WV NaviCare provides free health coverage enrollment assistance to uninsured West Virginians.

WVDHHR Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities
Charleston, WV

The WV Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities is the federally designated Single State Authority for mental health and substance use disorders and serves as the lead state agency for intellectual and developmental disabilities.

WVDHHR Bureau for Medical Services
Charleston, WV

The Bureau for Medical Services (BMS), is the designated single state agency responsible for the administration of the State's Medicaid program. BMS provides access to appropriate health care for Medicaid-eligible individuals.

WVDHHR Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, Children with Special Health Care Needs Program
Charleston, WV

The Children with Special Health Care Needs Program supports the family and community in the care of children with special health care needs through: facilitation of early care, diagnostic evaluation/consultation, clinic intervention, and care coordination.

WVRx Prescriptions for WV
Charleston, WV

WVRx is West Virginia's Statewide Charitable Mail Order Pharmacy, dedicated to providing FREE prescription drugs to UNINSURED individuals and families in need.